Monday 18 July 2016

Home alone - We've gone wild and eaten a Wheetabix

Overnight last night Georgina (my Kenyan sister) and I have been home alone. How very exciting! What do 2 young 20 something year olds get up to when they have a free house you may ask? Well, they share 1 can of beer between 2, cook themselves a (much craved for) balanced meal and then, because the television remote is free, they watch soaps on TV (the soaps here are fantastic because they are imported from Mexico and dubbed terribly (imagine a scene in which every single line is delivered as if it were the punchline, with feeling. Great, you've got it).  The story lines too are ridiculous e.g. stealing babies to somehow resolve a love tryst. They are so bad they're good, much like a Christmas cracker joke). All the volunteers here are quite addicted to the soaps, indeed, they're very popular across the whole country. We had a very happy evening watching a love pentagon unfold on screen, sadly it'll take 3 months to resolve, by which time I'll be long gone. In the morning I went out and bought Weetabix for us both, what a luxury. We had to eat the whole pack between us in order to hide any evidence and avoid offending our hosts (to whom it hasn't occurred that we might fancy anything other than bread) so I was feeling rather full. The lager can and Weetabix packet then both had to be cut up and hidden in the pit latrine to cover our tracks. What rebels we are!

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