Tuesday 15 March 2016

Off to Kenya! Airport trouble...

So I'm finally on the plane. I'm not at all sure I'm ready to be.

When I was packing I did so safe in the knowledge that I couldn't possibly fit 30kg of luggage (that's the limit) into my suitcase. Actually a surprising amount could be fitted into the bag, so much surprise that I was 3kg over the weight limit at the airport. To put it another way, this is about $400 worth of excess baggage charge and I have now had a go at being one of those people in airports with their bag open and worldly possessions strewn over the floor very much regretting my mantra that underwear should always be packed last (because it's the easiest thing to fit into a tightly packed bag). My long-suffering mother was on hand and extremely patient throughout the whole affair - she's quite possibly relieved at the prospect of a break from my chaotic presence for a couple of months. It feels a bit disappointing when we're all meant to be striking out as mature adults - I would have wanted everything to run a lot smoother.

It was nice to meet up with everyone else in the group and be reassured that someone else had also brought 35kg of luggage; another lost (then found) their wallet; a water bottle was misplaced and then I realised I hat got the wrong visa documents with me and left my yellow fever vaccination certificate at home. I'm starting to fear there's no hope for me! It's quite possible that no matter how old I get I might never become a reliable adult. If I were the Kenyan immigration authorities I would think twice about letting me in!

The things I'm worried about most right now, in order of priority are:
  1. My future roommate might snore
  2. Kenya might not let me in without the appropriate paperwork
  3. Rumour has it that a carb heavy African diet induces about a stone's weight gain per month
  4. My house might not have a toilet

I've taken a moment to reflect on what real adults are worrying about right now and concluded that it was the EU referendum. On this basis it's probably just as well to count me out (of adulthood that is, not the EU, I'm absolving myself of the responsibility to have an opinion on that for now!)

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