Monday 8 August 2016

Time to let off some (more) steam

After the day of pitching had finished, the UK girls went together to the cyber café (to apply for jobs post-Heathrow) and since that was not a very uplifting experience, we went out afterwards for “one drink”. They do a very dangerous wine here called kingfisher. It’s 8%, tastes like strawberry and is served in little beer bottles. After the first one we were all sitting around giggling and smiling, coming out with ideas like “let’s be sentimental!” after the second one we were trying to take photos of each other but couldn’t because no one would stay still. I was laughing so much I couldn’t speak. Helen* decided to ring Arthur and tell him that she loved him. Evidently her feelings weren’t reciprocated as she came off the phone saying that she hated him. Catherine decided to kiss Daniel, who loved this idea and unsubtly relocated them both several meters from the main group in a terrible effort to get some privacy. Some entrepreneurs came along and one painstakingly took 20 minutes to try and communicate in English to Katie that she was like a teenager. Helen decided she hated Daniel and we have a hilarious video of her explaining why (“becausssse ofmyyy sass!”). Happily he was otherwise engaged with Catherine and so will never know. Megan lost some post it notes, 1000 shillings and a packet of rolos and the pitching panel spilt a good number of secrets regarding who would and wouldn’t get funding. I was walked back by Megan who then took herself off into the night, met some men who claimed to know where her friends were and so she accompanied them on a very high risk 20 minute walk of Njoro town. All in all it was the night that was needed to help relieve the stress of the previous 3 weeks.

* Because we've all been so badly behaved in this post, names have been changed.

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