Wednesday 24 February 2016

I can tolerate anything except intolerace

Before letting me lose in Kenya, there is a certain amount of pre departure training that must be done. We had some sessions looking at cross-cultural understanding, not judging people by their appearance and considering issues from other people's point of view (amongst others). Although fun I can't say I had any revelations. After studying a human geography degree it would be somewhat disappointing if I still had a lot to learn on the subject of respecting individual or collective differences (or so I thought).

That evening I found myself sat with 2 other volunteers in the bar, (a male and female) and we ended up talking about feminism. Nancy was a black feminist (sic) and Luke wanted to know what feminism was (I always like it when people ask this as I generally find that people who are anti tend not to know what it is that they're opposing. I was in for a surprise). After I'd explained, he thought for a moment:
"Yeah, but it's a woman's role to prepare the home isn't it? I mean, a man doesn't do that" 
I was surprised to hear that. Young people in the 21st century tend not to come out with anything so antiquated and offensive.
"Don't you think that in a modern relationship men and women can share responsibilities?" I tried to get him to reconsider. I shouldn't have bothered
"Yeah, well the husband can tell the wife what to do and he can oversee it can't he? But he can't do it for her"
Good god the man was digging his hole faster than an autonomous mechanical digger.
Nancy, the black feminist across the table, wasn't much help.
"There are certain things women just can't do. I mean men can't breast feed." I wondered what this had to do with housework and whose side she was on. Certainly she didn't strike me as the most convicted of feminists. But then she reverted to the other extreme, "I hate men. All men. They are Satan." If I thought I couldn't be any more shocked I was wrong.
Luke joined in, "I hate men too. Especially black men" (WTF, he is a black man!) and as if to misalign himself further to the patriarchal corner he added "I don't trust women either." I wanted to hold my head in my hands (but I didn't, that would have been rude). I can't handle this much unjustified hatred! I did try to throw him a life raft. Surely no one intends to come across this badly (Nancy I felt was well informed and beyond help - Luke may be just confused).
"You've just said that you don't like men and you don't  trust  women, so you've ruled out everyone. Are you perhaps trying to  say that you have to decide who you like  on a case by case basis?"
I knew it was a long shot but I so wanted it to be true. 
It wasn't. 
Of course it wasn't.

At that point another girl sat down with us. Thanks goodness! A distraction! I'm not open minded enough to tolerate this obnoxious boarder-line-incoherent prejudice. I admit it! I'll discriminate against discriminators. It takes someone more accommodating than me to put up with it. I give up. Let me talk about the weather...

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