Sunday 15 November 2015

Beware Ginger Wine

Oh good god, I have woken up with a terrible hangover. It’s not the usual kind, I have no headache but just feel violently sick. There’s a (frankly quite detestable) person running around outside with a microphone calling everyone in for bacon sandwiches as part of the camp site wake up call. I don’t think I could keep one down! I blame it all on the curious ginger wine I had last night. It seemed like such a good idea at the time - a 13.5% bottle for £3.50. Last night I described it as "one part benylin and one part firework". Now I would probably summarise it as ‘spicy sugar syrup’. This tells me that it probably has an extremely unpleasant laxative quality. I really hope I’m wrong.

Here it is. Now you know what to avoid.


  1. You're supposed to mix it with something Clare! Oh dear.... I thought bacon cured everything.

    1. Oh wow! I can see that might change everything. Now I'm left with a dilemma: I could try it with a mixer and love it...or I might have the hangover from hell all over again. Tough call!
