Thursday 3 November 2016

Claude in Trouble

Claude (the somewhat hapless volunteer) received his first formal warning last night (there's a 3 stage disciplinary program here: verbal warning, written warning, volunteer sent home). The trouble with him is that he has no idea what the rules are on this placement because he wasn’t paying attention when they were taught to him. He’s rarely paying attention any of the time. The key thing that he’s in trouble for, is deciding to sleep at a hotel with his new girlfriend (a relationship that sadly lasted less than a week as she had to go back to America. This is not necessarily a great loss as Claude does have another girlfriend back at home in France) without having permission to do so (the organisation are fairly strict on this - the volunteers do need to come home each night in order for us to keep them safe). While we're at it he’s also in trouble for not making an effort to fit in with cultural norms here. Specifically, he has decided that the standard of his host home’s toilet does not satisfy him and it transpires that he has regularly opted instead to defecate in his neighbour's field. Can you believe it?! We're all quite shocked but Claude can't understand why. I dread to think what would happen if he were caught and I hope to goodness that he doesn't pollute the groundwater supplying the local well. He’s also been caught riding on a motorbike as the 3rd passenger. The trouble is that not only can he not remember the rule saying that 3 people is too many for 1 motorbike, but he can’t even remember doing it. His memory is that bad!!!!

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