Thursday 24 December 2015

How not to tackle a Christmas dinner

This week my London housemates and I celebrated Christmas together. There’s 4 of us in total (may as well introduce my cast up front!): Me, Tim, Taz and Sally. (These are pseudonyms so even if you’ve met us in real life you’ll need to go with the flow here).

If I’m honest it got off to a slow start. Firstly I couldn’t get away from the office and then I took a detour via 2 Tesco stores to find one that wasn’t sold out of mulled wine. When I did get home at 7:30 I found that the housemates had also take the same precaution on hearing that I was struggling to source this essential item and we therefore had 3 bottles between 4 of us (and 2 more bottles of mull-less red as backup). The worrying thing is that we drank most of it!
Tim had been in charge of the shopping. He was in trouble by the time I got in because the other 2 housemates had had a chance to review his purchases. I thought he’d done a marvellous job but Taz (who has an onion allergy) wasn’t so pleased as Tim had brought home pickled onions, sage and onion stuffing and an onion marinaded turkey. After all this storming, it transpired that Taz loves stuffing and so was prepared to eat it anyway. He anticipated that his stomach would be pretty upset the next day so he’d be having a pretty uncomfortable journey home for Christmas on the train the following day (as is everyone sat near the toilet compartment) but it would be well worth it. It took 2 hours for the food to cook but at least 3 of us were more than entertained with our pickled onions and Christmas tunes. When it was it was time to dish up we had an absolute mountain of food. I was quite impressed by this but even more so to learn that one of us (Taz) can carve!

It  looked even bigger in real life...

That was 3 days ago now and I haven’t yet recovered. I haven’t eaten a proper meal in 3 days! I’m not sure what’s wrong with me! I love food! I’m never not hungry. I usually eat on principle, just to exercise my right to do so three times a day. I went into work the following day feeling rough, and thought it might be a hangover. But no hangover lasts this long, not at my age, and not after a Thursday night. I’ll admit we did get a little tipsy, but we overcooked most of the wine to the point where it had no alcohol left in it. Even at the end of the night no one was drunk (although I did get to the point where some words got a bit muddled and I asked repeatedly if there would be icing on our mulled wine. I meant Yule log and was infuriated that no one could answer me!) My next theory was that I had food poisoning. This was backed up by a message from Tim in the morning telling us that he’d had to make an emergency stop off the train to go be ill. For a while I gleefully thought I’d found my solution (at least I wasn’t hungover, that would be unprofessional) and then I realised that I didn’t feel ill, just totally unable to eat. At some point that afternoon I felt a bit peckish so I got a bunch of grapes, had one, and then found this lone grape had done the job. Maybe its old age – maybe this is how all old people feel after eating a meal the size of a small chest of drawers!! But surely if that were the case one of them would have mentioned it.

Last night at about 9:30pm I thought I might be hungry again and so made a little light supper. As I did so I drank a glass of water. I shouldn’t have. It filled me right up. THIS IS RIDICULOUS!

The thing is, if I'm feeling funny, I can't wait to hear how Taz's train journey went!!

Merry Christmas!

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