Saturday 26 December 2015

Welcome to Monaco

Our big night out in Monaco got off to a bit of a false start, when we wondered into a Russian themed marquee full of line dancing bingoplayers by mistake. Our next choice of party was much better, not least because the Dutch team were there and our boys took an instant liking to the Dutch girls. It’s probably worth explaining at this point that we were primarily in Monaco for a sailing competition, where there were 8 international teams of 8 sailors, each composed of 4 men, 4 women.

Meanwhile, us English girls were entertaining ourselves on an empty dance floor by seeing how high we could kick. This predictably ended up in one of us falling over as the floor was covered in a good deal of highly slippery confetti. As we bent to pick her up, Jenny spotted a 100 euro note on the floor. I've never seen a €100 note before in my life and in Monaco they have them just lying around!

This discovery was presently reinvested in a round of drinks for us all (well, the 6 of us that were present). We only got €24 change for this and so politely explained to the barman that there’d been a mistake, perhaps he hadn't realised we’d given him a hundred euros (after all, we probably don’t look like the sort to be in possession of one).  He gave us an apologetic smile and turned to the till as if to get more change, then with a grin and a flourish, whirled round, produced the receipt, (confirming that 6 drinks had indeed cost €76) and said “Welcome to Monaco!”


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